Partners of the project

Mesto Lučenec

– applicant/project partner

The town of Lučenec is situated in the southern part of the Banská Bystrica region.  The town has an important geographical location at the crossroads of east-west and north-south roads and has also the status of a border town. It is the natural geographical centre of the southern part of central Slovakia. The mayor of the town is PhDr. Alexandra Pivková. The town of Lučenec ensures its activities through the substantively competent executive departments of the Lučenec Municipal Office.

Mesto Lučenec
Ulica novohradská č.1
984 01 Lučenec

IČO: 00316181
Tel.: 047/433 15 13


Employment Agency of the Banská Bystrica Self-Governing Region, n.o.

– project partner

Helps people with difficult access to the labour market to find employment. It introduces an innovative employment programme for disadvantaged and socially excluded job seekers, thus contributing to reconciling the imbalance between demand and supply on the labour market in the Banská Bystrica region.


Zvolenská cesta 1677/83
984 01 Lučenec 

IČO: 52 700 569  
DIČ: 2121125479

Tel.: +421 948 913 032

Working hours:

Monday – Thursday: 8:00-16:00
Friday: non-scheduled day (field work)


Projekt DOM.ov

– project partner

Life in Roma localities is limiting for individuals and families. Families struggle with problems that are not enough. The non-profit organization Projekt DOM.ov was founded to help eliminate the causes that inevitably make Roma localities communities dependent on social housing.

Non-profit organization Projekt DOM.ov
Požiarnická 17
080 01 Prešov
tel.: +421 911 79 17 17

IČO: 503 349 81
DIČ: 2120323821

the non-profit organization Projekt DOM.ov is registered at the District Office in Prešov, Department of All-round. OVVS-519/2016-NO.

Founding organisations:
Člověk v tísni, o.p.s., Palešovo nám. 34, 053 04 Spišské Podhradie
Združenie PRE LEPŠÍ ŽIVOT, Rankovce 21, 044 46 Rankovce



– Norwegian project partner

The Norwegian NGO CNBRM Networking builds on a long series of activities and experiences, chains of events, and encompasses an amalgamation of several different areas of interests and activities, including common property rights, human rights, indigenous peoples’ rights, intellectual property rights, natural resource management, and participatory approaches, which eventually gradually came together under the umbrella of CBNRM. It is a global network and virtual community. It works with and for people who are involved in community development, which is broadly understood. The emphasis is partly on community, partly on the use of local natural resources and partly on available human resources. The essence of these networking activities is knowledge management for development cooperation.

Represented by: Lars Tov Søftestad